A group photo from the Take Back the Night event



统计数据令人震惊:全世界三分之一的妇女在其一生中经历过某种形式的性暴力或亲密伴侣虐待. 六分之一的男性也是如此,LGBTQ+社区的成员更有可能经历这些犯罪.

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, 周三,来自正规澳门赌场网络的数十名学生和教师举行了反对性暴力的游行, 4月17日, 与幸存者团结一致,“夺回夜晚”,作为提高对这些棘手话题认识的全球运动的一部分.

Take Back The Night 是世界上最古老的反对性暴力的运动吗, 其起源可以追溯到美国的几次示威活动.S. in San Francisco, 费城, 和坦帕, 佛罗里达州,以及比利时的一个法庭委员会,都是在20世纪70年代. 该组织的全球使命是结束一切形式的性暴力,并支持幸存者的康复之旅.



来自正规澳门赌场网络的学生、教师和专业人员聚集在Danielle N. 周三晚上,里皮·康姆斯的同志情谊和和平的反思. Lawn games were played, signs were drawn, 人们高呼反对人际暴力的口号, led by Aiden Fisher (B.S.W., ’25), a work-study student with the Office of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance以及Title IX办公室实习生Victoria Robichaud和Cooper Robinson.

该办公室与几个校园和外部组织合作举办了这次活动, 包括南缅因性侵犯服务和关爱无限. 一个社会工作班的成员也为活动提供了支持,他们帮助策划活动并协调外展工作. 

“今天, we march — we stand together, refusing to be silent about sexual violence,” Fisher said to the crowd. “我们高呼我们应该安全,生活在没有暴力恐惧的环境中,并相互支持. 我们走路是为了庆祝我们正在采取的治愈和支持那些正在治愈的人的步骤. … We unite for our collective strength.”

A woman speaks at a podium

Deanna Barry, M.S.W. ’17

Photo of a woman speaking into a microphone at a podium

Cyndi Amato, M.S.W., associate clinical professor 

其他发言者包括性侵犯应对和预防领域的专家, 以及精神健康宣传和创伤知情护理. They included Amanda Klein, J.D., Title IX investigation and prevention specialist; Deanna Barry, M.S.W. ’17, area coordinator for East and West residence halls; and Cyndi Amato, M.S.W., associate clinical professor and coordinator of UNE’s Bachelor of 科学 in Social Work degree program

“在我的职业生涯中……我看到了我从未想过的进步,阿马托说, 注意到应对和预防性暴力是一项毕生的追求. "(But) even with this progress, 我认识到有必要指导新一代传承成功,并在此基础上再接再厉, as well as be vigilant that we don’t go back.”

Amato outlined several goals to ensure that progress, 包括为促进为幸存者伸张正义的服务分配充足的资源, 广泛可及和全面的预防规划, policy changes at the local, 状态, 而联邦层面则会带来一个更加安全和公平的社会.

“As we march tonight, I hope all of us can keep these goals in mind and, 这样做的时候, commit to contributing to efforts to end sexual violence,”她说。.

学生 march on campus; a sign reads "My Body, My Rules"
A woman speaks at a podium to a crowd
A group of students march on campus

学生 Victoria Robichaud, Cooper Robinson, 艾登·费希尔领导了4月17日的夺回黑夜游行, 2024. 来自UNE社区的数十人加入了他们的行列,发誓要结束性暴力和家庭暴力.

As remarks concluded, the crowd stepped off, weaving through campus holding candles and marching to chants of “Shatter the Silence; Stop the Violence,” and “Nor’easters Unite; We Take Back The Night,,立即想起那些在性暴力中丧生的人,并发誓要采取行动, vocal — and literal — steps to end abuse for good.

“To effectively address and prevent sexual violence, 我们必须共同努力,制定和加强明确反对一切形式的性暴力的社区标准,克莱因说. “Whether it is receiving a Green Dot certification, volunteering with a local agency, or simply recognizing positive behaviors, 我们可以共同努力,在我们的社区内创造改变. We don't have to do everything; we just need to do something.”

Additional sponsors for the event included: UNE 体育运动; the Office of Commuter and Residential Life; Campus Recreation and 健康; the Office of Student Engagement; the Office of Diversity, 股本, Inclusion; Residential 学生生活 Association; UNE Habitat for Humanity; Student Nursing Association; UNE EMS; UNE Military Acknowledgement; Undergraduate 招生; the Activities Programming Board; PSI CHI Psychology Honors Society; the Office of Safety and Security; and the UNE Arts, 园艺, Psychology clubs.